New Board Member – Welcome Cara!

Cara excitedly comes to the White Light Foundation board with a vast background in nonprofit accounting and looks forward to helping the foundation into its next chapter. She is an accountant by day and a music enthusiast by night and many weekends. Her diverse music interests range from electronic music where her first real connection to music began to reggae to the jam band sound where she found her true love, Twiddle to Lespecial that just absolutely mesmerizes you when you listen to their dark beautiful sound. Cara has been on a major growth path these last few years that has had one underlying theme, connection. That’s what she hopes to bring to the White Light Foundation while she serves her time on the board. We have all met some incredible people at Twiddle shows and the connection is still felt so extremely strong in the community. She is looking forward to helping guide the White Light Foundation into its next phase of connection. Cara resides in Vermont with her husband, two sons and her beloved dog Gigi.