HOPE – Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects. Middlebury, VT
World Harvest Community Center. Los Angeles, CA
Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank, Fredericksburg, VA
Buddy System, Miami, FL
Open Arms of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Food Bank For New York City, NY, NY
Food Bank of the Rockies, Denver, CO
Meals on Main Street by Caritas, Port Chester, NY
Atlanta Community Food Bank, Atlanta, CA
Feeding Chittenden, Burlington, VT
Connecticut Food Bank, Wallingford, CT
We would like to thank all the bands and artists who “filled [our] love with sound:” Twiddle, Gubbulidis, Mihali, Zdenek Gubb, Eggy, Hayley Jane, Rob Compa, Keller Williams, Elliott Peck, Jesse Bardwell, Zach Nugent, Soule Monde (Ray Paczkowski & Russ Lawton), Kat Wright Trio, the grift, Joe Cirotti, Peter Lister and Kitchen Dwellers.
We would also like to thank all of the amazing donors and underwriters who made the series possible (with a very special thank you to our dear Frend, Bill Seed) and powered us to over $27,000 in total donations. We LOVE each and every one of you RELENTLESSLY. Not to mention all of you who shared, liked and tuned in helping us reach over 400,000 people during the run.
Finally, we would like to thank the amazing team who made sure we looked good, sounded good and made it into your personal venue each Wednesday night: Rachel Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Daniel Robb, Edmund Edwards, Kevin Rondeau, Katie Irwinning, Leah Friedman.
While we cannot wait to be able to see you all at shows and be closer to each of you, we feel so fortunate to have your support during these socially distanced times. We look forward to sharing with you what is next and until then, Love Relentlessly.