Frends, We don’t know how to adequately thank everyone for making our first White Light Foundation Presents event such an incredible success, but one thing is for certain, we would never have been able to pull it off without all of you. Your support of the event, cause and mission, is how we were able to raise over $20,000 for charity. On behalf of our good Frends at GoodWorks Entertainment and The Tree of Life Fund at Ferncliff Manor, we thank you. We hope you had as amazing a time as we did. It was an incredible honor for us to be able to present Twiddle and Midnight North at The Warehouse and to bring so many Frends together for such a worthy cause – we can’t wait to do it again. In the meantime, keep an eye out for us at select Twiddle shows where we will be doing what we do best, raising money and awareness for local organizations doing incredible things for their community.