Frends, The last two years during December we have given grants to charities important to and nominated by you. We hope you will help us again, but this year, in partnership with Twiddle, we are going to do something a bit different and support a specific cause.
Like so many communities, the opioid crisis directly impacts our Frends and family far too often. While we have been fortunate to meet many Frends who are in recovery and share with us their stories of being Lost in the Cold. We have also been touched by the loss of too many.
Recently Ryan Dempsey challenged us to shine our light and make an impact on the epidemic. We are honored to take him up on it and introduce you to our first cause based White Light Frankie.
We hope the purple heart-ribbon will serve as a beacon within our community, expressing our collective support to those who have suffered, are suffering or help us honor those we miss.
The White Light Foundation will match the sales of this open edition Frankie up to $5,000 so your purchase will be worth twice as much to our partner charities.
Who will we be supporting? Well, we are hoping you will help us by nominating a local non-profit crisis centers (IRS §501(c)(3) organization) dedicated to helping us through this epidemic. We will share the money raised across the nominated charities during our month of giving. Please nominate an organization important to you by replying to this message.