But winter tour ended abruptly with the onset of Covid-19 and we turned our focus to organizations supporting artists and crew, along with White Light Wednesdays where we expect to donate in excess of $30,000 to help those in need.
And just as we were confirming our White Light Wednesdays fundraising campaign, George Floyd was killed by police in Minneapolis and the world began to change.
White Light Foundation’s mission is to support local public charities important to the Twiddle community and we are pleased to announce we will be making $2,500 donations to the following organizations in respect to Black Lives Matter and on behalf of the band, the fans and our Frends.
Youth Justice Coalition is working to build a youth, family, and formerly and currently incarcerated people’s movement to challenge America’s addiction to incarceration and race, gender and class discrimination in Los Angeles and the nation’s juvenile and criminal injustice systems.
Community Movement Builders in Atlanta is a member based collective of black people dedicated to being a force for creating sustainable self-determining communities through cooperative economic advancement and collective community organizing.
The Alliance in Minneapolis is a coalition of community-based organizations and advocacy groups building shared power to advance strategic campaigns around the intersections of racial justice, economic justice, environmental justice, and health equity.
This is only a start, and while we are proud of our track record of supporting communities and organizations who serve people of color, we recognize there is more to do and look forward to working with Twiddle and all of you to make a continuous impact.
Thank you for your continued support. Love Relentlessly.