We are thrilled to announce all donations received through White Light Wednesdays events (and then some) will be split among the following organizations – some are food pantries we have partnered with in the past, others are regional food banks in areas of need or have been nominated by Frends. We are sensitive to the fact that there is significantly more need than we are able to support and encourage all of you to support your local food pantries – relentlessly. We are honored to support the following organizations with White Light Wednesdays:
Atlanta Community Food Bank (Atlanta, GA)
Connecticut Food Bank (Wallingford, CT)
Feeding Chittenden (Burlington, VT)
Food Bank For New York City (New York, NY)
Food Bank of the Rockies (Denver, CO)
FredFood (Fredericksburg, VA)
HOPE – Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects (Middlebury, VT)
Meals on Main Street by Caritas (Port Chester, NY)
Open Arms of Minnesota (Minnepolis, MN)
World Harvest Community Center (Los Angeles, CA)
To donate, please use the donate button or paypal.me/wlfdonate. See you tomorrow evening for our first streaming event – Woodchuck Cider presents Gubbulidis (featuring Mihali and Zdenek Gubb of Twiddle).
Love Relentlessly.